Encouraging extensive reading to advance intensive reading skills

The fact that our human brains are not hard-wired for reading means that the only way to develop our reading habit and become an effective reader is through reading. In this session we explore the ins and outs of extensive reading, why it is invaluable to develop learners’ reading for comprehension skills and possible challenges […]

The art of storytelling in the YL classroom

In this blog written for Pearson, I’ll be talking about storytelling; why storytelling is so powerful, what the benefits are for learners and how you can use storytelling with your learners in the YL classroom. https://ngl.cengage.com/assets/html/conferences/webinars/downloads/primary_webinar_handouts_joan_and_anna.pdf

Shake up those reading circles

You might feel like you are in for a change after having done the same reading circle for ages. This blogpost gives you some ideas in how to vary the set up of reading circles with your YLs. Happy reading!