The way forward…
After many weeks of working online, I thought it would be useful to reflect and look back in order to take forward what I’ve learned from this sudden change. The tips below have been written with conducting webinars in mind; I mean, I’ve been conducting webinars for years now but I never had the pleasure […]
Teaching Online- KEYS
As the current situation continues, many of us are coming to the realization that online face-to-face teaching, or rather remote teaching, might well be the new normal for, at least, the coming months. Normally, when institutes move to online or blended programs six to nine months of preparation have gone into designing appropriate learning systems […]
Teaching Online- Shift Shoes
Simple things seem to take much longer in the online classroom and even beyond! Planning for online lessons, for example, can take up to three times longer for online lessons. No surprise that we all feel the emotional toll that the sudden shift to home teaching is taking on us, not to mention the physical […]
Teaching Online- Connect
One of the most important foundations for learning is that learners feel safe and have a sense of belonging. In remote teaching learners are not in the same classroom physically or perhaps not even in the same country so the distance created by the technology can have an impact on your classroom dynamics. Learners don’t […]