When learners are emotionally engaged their academic performance improves which in itself can help to improve learner motivation. 1- Provide opportunities for learners to actively participate during sessions; in a larger group nominate, use names to allow them to turn on their microphone and individually contribute, or type the answer in the chatbox or select…
Teaching online still requires us to apply principles of effective practice and a key principle for effective online learning & teaching is careful planning… 1- Have a clear aim in mind when you are planning your session. Without a doubt, the platform you use has a lot of different, interesting functionalities but check when you plan…
Even though you might be teaching GenZ learners, many of our learners are new to online learning… Make sure you take time to introduce your learners to the platform or tools you’ve selected to use for your online learning. Set them ‘running around’ the platform tasks; can they turn on their microphone? Type one thing…
Most likely your learners are new to learning online too. So make sure you keep your activities simple: Reuse familiar activities and get them to respond in the chatbox or with young learners, why not get them to use their bodies? They can still act out ‘eating a banana’ and it will enhance engagement. Don’t…
“For Learners to have a true sense of their abilities, they not only need to learn but they also need to know that they know.” Richard Bandler As soon as we get our math books out, one of my 6-year-olds starts shouting out, “I can’t do that Miss, too hard… you know. My mum also…
Images are powerful tools for learning. In this series of blog posts written for National Geographic Learning, you will find different ideas for how to use images in the young learner classroom. https://infocus.eltngl.com/author/anna-hasper/
Even though the word gap issue is regarded by many as a more general problem rather than being specific to one group of learners, the impact can be especially crucial for students whose first language isn’t English. In this blog post, written for Pearson I talk about what the impact is for us teachers and the importance…
While it’s not a language teacher’s role to diagnose specific learning needs, it is important for us to monitor our young learner students’ progress. In this blog post, written for Pearson, I talk about supporting learners with dyslexia.
In this blog written for Pearson, I’ll be talking about storytelling; why storytelling is so powerful, what the benefits are for learners and how you can use storytelling with your learners in the YL classroom. https://ngl.cengage.com/assets/html/conferences/webinars/downloads/primary_webinar_handouts_joan_and_anna.pdf