Problems-solving for future-proofing

Problem-solving is essential in our ever-changing world. In this interactive session, Anna explored what competences learners need to successfully solve problems and introduced how ‘Get Involved’ uses project-based learning to engage learners and integrate these key competences into English lessons.
Young Learners and grammar: how can we make it work?

Telling your young learners that they are going to learn all about the ‘past simple’ this morning, will be met with absent-minded stares and is unlikely to fill them with excitement. However, most schools and parents do expect young learners’ teachers to enable learners to get their ‘head around’ grammar rules. In this webinar, we […]
Professionalising global TEYL practices – Focus on global skills

Although some teachers might wonder if global skills have a place in teaching English to young learners (TEYL), I am a strong believer that we, as English language teachers, have an important role to play in raising learners’ awareness of the significant challenges the world is facing. Focusing on global issues in an age-accessible way and […]
Reflections as Professional Learning

Happy 2022! A new year has started offering us a chance to develop some new good habits: regular reflections! Dewey stated it clearly “we don’t learn from experience. We learn from reflecting on experience.” Reflective practice is a powerful tool and key for development because it enables ‘continuous learning’ as Schön highlights. Teachers who want […]
Back to School: Motivating Learning Online for all Students

While most teachers are now more confident teaching with technology and online, many teachers are still reporting that student motivation remains a challenge. In this interactive webinar, I explore the concept of motivation and highlights the importance of shifting away from teachers motivating learners to student-generated motivation and found ways to ignite the fire from within.
Learning for themselves: putting the learner in the driver’s seat

For teachers of Young Learners I was invited by Macmillan Education to speak about enhancing Learner Autonomy, a key skills for successful learning, in August 2020 when we all returned to our ‘new normal’ classrooms for the year… Back to school or not back to school, that seems to be the question in these challenging […]
Using Images in the Primary Classroom

Images are powerful tools for learning. In this blog posts written for National Geographic Learning, you will find different ideas for how to use images in the young learner classroom.
Developing Vocabulary Skills through Reading

In this webinar for Macmillan International Curriculum, October 2018, I talk about the importance of developing children’s vocabulary to make their learning-to-read journey more enjoyable and explore how we can further develop learners’ vocabulary skills through reading.
Preparing Young Learners for Exams

I think this was my first webinar ever… in 2015 way before training online was ‘normal’! In this interactive session for Macmillan Education I explore some of the key principles that underpin effective assessment and looks at how we can help young learners consolidate useful language in a fun way. Not only to improve their […]
Hip-hop in the classroom… bring it!
There are many reasons why ELT teachers should consider using hip-hop in the classrooms, if you are not convinced yet check out the site below to get some ideas on how you can use hip hop in class. Happy teaching!