Environmentally-themed lesson ideas
Looking for environmentally-themed lessons? This website provides lessons on sustainability, environment and green issues and ideas for paperless lessons! Happy teaching!
Who Made That?
The “who made that?” column has some lots of interesting, short articles that provide the perfect mix of high-interest readings with sophisticated sentence structure and vocabulary. They also offer opportunities for cross-curricular work, as it’s all about the history and science of e.g. the Super Soaker, energy drinks etc. Happy discovering!
Pronunciation puzzles and activities
Struggling to find effective pronunciation activities and bored with the ones you always use? Check out Mark Hancock’s Pronunciation puzzles and activities for some inspiration!
Shake up those reading circles
You might feel like you are in for a change after having done the same reading circle for ages. This blogpost gives you some ideas in how to vary the set up of reading circles with your YLs. Happy reading!