Can we motivate our learners or should they motivate themselves?

We all have learners that come to class but just don’t seem to be that motivated to be there. Don’t worry, it’s got most of the time nothing to do with you. In general, making learners stay focused and motivated is one of the biggest challenges (Healey, 2021). According to Scheidecker and Freeman (cited in […]
Motivation learning online for all

While most teachers are now more confident teaching with technology and online, many teachers are still reporting that student motivation remains a challenge. In this interactive webinar, Anna Hasper explores the concept of motivation and highlights the importance of shifting away from teachers motivating learners to student-generated motivation and finding ways to ignite the fire […]
Focusing on Engagement

I’m obsessed with the brain. How it works and maybe even more so by how it doesn’t work. Whilst brain research has made headway in the past 15-20 years, there is still a lot we do not know about the brain. However, one thing we can say for sure is that our students’ brain certainly […]
Back to School: Motivating Learning Online for all Students

While most teachers are now more confident teaching with technology and online, many teachers are still reporting that student motivation remains a challenge. In this interactive webinar, I explore the concept of motivation and highlights the importance of shifting away from teachers motivating learners to student-generated motivation and found ways to ignite the fire from within.
Teaching Online – Engage them!

When learners are emotionally engaged their academic performance improves which in itself can help to improve learner motivation. 1- Provide opportunities for learners to actively participate during sessions; in a larger group nominate, use names to allow them to turn on their microphone and individually contribute, or type the answer in the chatbox or select […]