Sign up now for IH Teachers Online Conference 2014

The sixth IH Teachers Online Conference will take place on Friday May 9th 2014. There are five themed hours of ten minute talks; 25 members of the IH network will present on topics from Techniques and Tools to Younger Learners. Sign up soon as the conference is completely free and open to everyone but has […]

Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit

As Dweck already mentioned, being successful does not depend on your innate talent or IQ and Duckworth takes it a step further: it’s all about “grit”… Well-worth watching and food for thought for us teachers!

Free course on ICT in Primary Education

Are you teaching YLs? How are you integrating ICT into your classroom? This free online course for primary school teachers analyses examples from schools in different parts of the world. The materials in the course are based on studies carried out for the UNESCO Institute of IT in Education, Moscow. Happy learning!