The best web tools to boost your teaching
Indeed a wonderful list of webtools! If you are teaching with ipads, laptops or wikis or if you are tutoring online check out some of the fabulous tools mentioned. Happy mobile learning!
Sign up now for IH Teachers Online Conference 2014
The sixth IH Teachers Online Conference will take place on Friday May 9th 2014. There are five themed hours of ten minute talks; 25 members of the IH network will present on topics from Techniques and Tools to Younger Learners. Sign up soon as the conference is completely free and open to everyone but has […]
Get feedback on your writing in seconds!
Do your students want more writing practice? Check out this great free (still…) tool. Students can choose a task, write and the tool provides feedback in seconds. By using Write & Improve, they are not only improving their Englishthey are also contributing to a valuable research project that will benefit English learners around the world.
Environmentally-themed lesson ideas
Looking for environmentally-themed lessons? This website provides lessons on sustainability, environment and green issues and ideas for paperless lessons! Happy teaching!
Who Made That?
The “who made that?” column has some lots of interesting, short articles that provide the perfect mix of high-interest readings with sophisticated sentence structure and vocabulary. They also offer opportunities for cross-curricular work, as it’s all about the history and science of e.g. the Super Soaker, energy drinks etc. Happy discovering!